Anchorage Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
“Gold” ($5,000.00) Sponsorship provides:
Mention in pre-event publications and promotions
Logo printed in the event program and shown on the screen during the event and in all broadcasts
Logo and link to the business listed on website
2 tables (16 seats) at the event
P.O. Box 231568
Anchorage, AK 99523
Phone: 907-715-4377
“Silver” ($ 2,500.00) Sponsorship provides:
Logo printed in the event program and shown on the screen
Logo and link to the business listed on website
2 tables (16 seats) at the event
“Bronze” ($ 1,000.00) Sponsorship provides:
A business listing in the event program and on-screen during the event
Business listing and link on website
1 table for 8 guests
2023 EVENT
OCT. 28TH, 2023
Prayer 8:00 to 8:30 am
Breakfast at 9:00 am
Prayer Continues 9:30 am
Note: Sponsor tables are reserved. If you are unable to fill your table, please let us know, as we would be delighted to place others who do not have seating.
Policy Statement and General Information
Credit card purchases will not be accepted online less than 24 hours prior to the event. If seats are available they can be purchased at the door on the morning of the event.
Ticket holders are assigned to a designated table on a first-come basis using the date payment is received. Tickets may be picked up at the door on the morning of the Breakfast. If you are requesting seats with others, please notify me when purchasing. This non-profit event is held annually to bring together our community to uphold and pray for our Mayor and all those in authority and is conducted using private funding only.
Changepoint Alaska
6689 Changepoint Dr.,
Anchorage, AK 99518